Residence permit for Northern Cyprus

A residence permit in Northern Cyprus is a legal document that entitles an applicant to live on the island for more than three months. In terms of population mobility, relocation to the TRNC has been very popular in recent years. Safe living in a mild climate, high-quality housing by the sea, developed infrastructure, accessibility in obtaining a residence permit for Russians - make Cyprus a profitable location for real estate investments.

ВНЖ Северного Кипра Агентство недвижимости SVS Properties

Who can apply for a short-term residence permit:

  • scientists and researchers (archaeologists);
  • participants of the film expedition;
  • athletes for competitions;
  • for treatment (except AIDS and tuberculosis);
  • employees at local enterprises;
  • students at a Cyprus university, in practice, internship, advanced training;
  • businessmen with startups;
  • property owners;
  • yacht owners and charterers (for long-term stay of the vessel in port);
  • well-off people with an income of 5 minimum wages or with an equivalent amount in their account.

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Turkish Cyprus

You can apply for permanent residence on the basis of documents for a long-term lease or purchase of real estate. They must be certified by the tax office. A certificate from the head of the local municipality (mukhtar) with proof of residence. 

In addition, you must provide a certificate of no criminal record and undergo a medical examination for the absence of HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis. Plus, to prove a confirmed monthly income of three Turkish subsistence minimums, about 1200 euros (in 2023, the P.M. in the TRNC is equal to twelve thousand Turkish lira) or a local bank account statement from 14,000 euros.

A document is issued for a year. Then it is extended for three years. After that, it is issued for two years. After 6 years, you can apply for citizenship. Before processing the documents, you should understand the special situation of the unrecognized republic.

It is important to conduct a thorough study and consult with migration lawyers who have experience in the field of property law. Take into account all relevant changes in legislation. It is better to trust the professionals.  The real estate agency SVS Properties will help you arrange a package of documents for the dossier, calculate the possibility of refusal, and select the method that suits you.